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    The Plastic Warriors

    Armed with garbage bags and litter pickers, the unwavering crew of Havila Voyages took on the momentous task of cleaning up the litter along the docks of Ålesund!

    In late April, the voluntary organisation "None Plastic Ocean" joined forces with the Summer Festival at Giske to conduct the largest cleanup campaign in Northwest Norway. Havila Voyages was naturally onboard!

    We Live off the Ocean 

    It is exceedingly important that we keep in mind what the ocean does for us. The ocean covers more than 70 percent of our planet, and we depend on it to maintain life, to create jobs, and to connect with the world. At the same time, we cannot have a regulated climate without the ocean. Did you know that it currently absorbs between 30 and 50 per cent of the CO2 released in the atmosphere? The ocean is our planet’s heart and lungs, and we want to do our part in taking care of it. 

    The cleanup operation in Ålesund was just a small part of the many measures Havila Voyages has taken to show our respect for the ocean.

    Read more here: «Coastal Cruise Chips of the Future»

    Although plastic waste only represents 10% of the global waste stream, it is still the primary contributor to marine pollution. The UN Environment Programme reports that plastic accounts for 85% of all ocean debris. While our understanding of the waste in Norwegian waters is limited, it is undeniable that marine pollution is a pressing environmental challenge that demands our immediate attention.

    Havila Voyages' effort to reduce plastic waste is the result of a collaborative endeavor between None Plastic Ocean and one of our local suppliers, Sunnmørsegg. 

    A big thank you to our crew for their dedication and commitment to making a positive impact on the environment!

    Text and photos: Havila Voyages/Helene Krokfoss