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    Six Winter Activities to Cross off your Bucket List

    Text: Josefine Spiro

    Observing the majestic Norwegian nature from a top modern Havila Voyages coastal cruise ship is an experience in itself. Add to it the spectacular Northern Lights, plenty of delicious food served in the restaurants, engaging conversation with other travelers, and the fun activities organized on board, most people will return to their homes with a luggage-full of good impressions.  

    Still, many people need that little extra something... You know, those singular authentic experiences that linger in your body and stick in your memory for the rest of your life. 

    Fortunately, you don’t need to go through the hassle of finding these activities on your own. Havila Voyages offers lots of exciting excursions from a number of ports on our voyage from Bergen to Kirkenes and vice versa. 

    Perhaps have you already decided to travel with us this winter? Then, you should consider signing up for one or more of our excursions!

    Here are six good suggestions for activities you can join in on during a trip with Havila Voyages this winter.

    1. Dog Sledding with Huskies

    Speed, fun, and a lot of affection! Dog sledding in the Norwegian winter landscape offers a truly unique experience that will stay with you long afterward. In Kirkenes, you can join an exciting dog sledding excursion (available on both the northbound and southbound voyage).

    Huskies love to run, using their strong muscles, and then, of course, they love to cuddle! That’s why this excursion offer a bit of everything: Speed, excitement, and fresh air in beautiful surroundings, as well as those loving cuddles from the huskies.

    Read also: A Husky Visit in the Wilderness of Tromsø

    2. Reindeer sledding and Sami Visit

    Join a sled ride and visit the Sami in a goathi (Sami house with soil covered walls)! On this excursion in Tromsø (Northbound voyage) you get to sleighride powered by reindeer whom you can feed. Perhaps would you even like to try to throw a lasso? Catching the antlers of a running reindeer is an achievement out of the ordinary, but maybe it won’t be so difficult if the target is not moving. 

    During your visit with the Sami, you will also get to taste the Sami meat soup Bidos, and listen to Sami storytelling and Joik which is the traditional Sami singing. 

    Read also: A Visit with the Sami

    3. Visit a Snow Hotel in Kirkenes

    Ice cubes in a glass is one thing, but when the table is made of ice, as well as the chairs, the counter, the candle sticks the decorations, and the surrounding walls – yes, even the fireplace is made of ice – then, we are talking about a snow hotel! 

    This could likely be the only time in your entire life that you can be served crowberry juice in a glass made of frozen water or eating a light meal on a table made of the same cold material. Come along on this unforgettable visit to a hotel in which everything is made of ice.

    This excursion to the snow hotel even offers encounters with arctic animals such as reindeer and huskies, so feel free to get excited!

    (Northbound and southbound voyages)

    4. Snowmobile Safaris

    Imagine speeding through a winter land of icy fjords and snow-covered plains. 

    In the Arctic, the snowmobile is just as important as the car. It is a practical way to get around, as well as a means to go deep into the natural world of the Arctic. Try it yourself! You’ll get all the help you need from experienced guides who know how to drive a snowmobile and are familiar with the Arctic landscape. 

    The snowmobile safari in Kirkenes (Northbound and southbound voyage) will give you a thrilling experience across the frozen surface and Norwegian tundra, while taking in the stunning experience of a harsh and wild nature on top of the world. 

    In Kjøllefjord (northbound voyage) you can experience this polar adventure in the dark, and perhaps you will see the Aurora Borealis! Fly through valleys and across plains before arriving in Mehamn, the northernmost port on our coastal route voyage, in which you’ll board the ship once again. Along the way, you’ll learn about the Arctic landscape, the climate, and the people and animals living in the region. Of course, you’ll also learn about the Sami people (the indigenous people of the north), their culture, and their way of life.   

    Snowmobiles driving in the sunset

    Photo: Ørjan Bertelsen

    In Mehamn (southbound voyage) you can drive a snowmobile through the polar night, across Europe’s northernmost mainland, and get an arctic experience under the blazing northern lights.

    You disembark in Mehamn, letting the ship sail along the coast while you drive a snowmobile through a gentle valley and across snowy plains, on a slightly hilly terrain. The wavy walls of color emanating from the Aurora Borealis, as well as the stars and moon are creating a magical atmosphere in the bare, barren landscape. And finally, the lights from Havila Voyages are flashing and welcoming you back to the ship and your warm, comfortable bed. 

    Snowmobile and people under the Northern Lights

    Photo: Ørjan Bertelsen

    5. Winter Cruise to the World Heritage Area of Geirangera

    During the winter, the Geirangerfjord is both peaceful, raw, and wild. 

    This is the time to get to know the world heritage fjord without the large crowds of people that appear during the summertime. The tranquility of the winter landscape will astonish you with its sharp air, its clear light, and deeper shadows. 

    On this excursion (northbound voyage) you will experience the changes and differences in the open coastal scenery and the dramatic, narrow fjords. You will travel through three fjords, accompanied by a fjord-ranger who tells you about the forces of nature that have shaped this land, and about the plants and animals living here. The fjord-ranger will also tell you about the people who have lived, farmed and fished along these narrow coastlines for generations.

    A boat in the Geirangerfjord during winter

    6. A Historical Polar Night Hike in Lofoten

    During this nighttime hike in the history-filled landscape in Storvågan – which once held the biggest medieval settlement north of Trondheim – you will learn the history of the skrei (a codfish), about the medieval town of Vágar, and about the people who subsisted by the riches of the sea. Step into an authentic Rorbu from 1910 (seasonal house used by fishermen) to get a deeper understanding of what was required from the fishermen of Lofoten back in the days. (Southbound voyage)

    Note: Havila Kystruten is concerned with sustainability in everything we do, including our excursions. This means that we – among other things – strive to create value for local communities and businesses along the Norwegian coast. We also focus on choosing electronic means of transport where possible. Read more about the coastal cruise ships of the future.